Source code for oddt.toolkits.extras.rdkit.fixer

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import combinations, chain
import sys

from six.moves import urllib

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from rdkit import RDLogger
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.AllChem import ConstrainedEmbed
from rdkit.Chem.rdForceFieldHelpers import UFFGetMoleculeForceField

from . import AtomListToSubMol

[docs]class SanitizeError(Exception): pass
[docs]class SubstructureMatchError(Exception): pass
[docs]class AddAtomsError(Exception): pass
[docs]class FixerError(Exception): pass
[docs]def MolToTemplates(mol): """Prepare set of templates for a given PDB residue.""" if mol.HasProp('_Name') and mol.GetProp('_Name') in ['DA', 'DG', 'DT', 'DC', 'A', 'G', 'T', 'C', 'U']: backbone = 'OP(=O)(O)OC' else: backbone = 'OC(=O)CN' match = mol.GetSubstructMatch(Chem.MolFromSmiles(backbone)) mol2 = Chem.RWMol(mol) if match: mol2.RemoveAtom(match[0]) Chem.SanitizeMol(mol2) mol2 = mol2.GetMol() return (mol, mol2)
[docs]def ReadTemplates(filename, resnames): """Load templates from file for specified residues""" template_mols = {} with open(filename) as f: for line in f: data = line.split() # TODO: skip all residues that have 1 heavy atom if data[1] in resnames and data[1] != 'HOH': # skip waters res = Chem.MolFromSmiles(data[0]) res.SetProp('_Name', data[1]) # Needed for residue type lookup template_mols[data[1]] = MolToTemplates(res) return template_mols
[docs]def SimplifyMol(mol): """Change all bonds to single and discharge/dearomatize all atoms. The molecule is modified in-place (no copy is made). """ for b in mol.GetBonds(): b.SetBondType(Chem.BondType.SINGLE) b.SetIsAromatic(False) for a in mol.GetAtoms(): a.SetFormalCharge(0) a.SetIsAromatic(False) return mol
[docs]def UFFConstrainedOptimize(mol, moving_atoms=None, fixed_atoms=None, cutoff=5., verbose=False): """Minimize a molecule using UFF forcefield with a set of moving/fixed atoms. If both moving and fixed atoms are provided, fixed_atoms parameter will be ignored. The minimization is done in-place (without copying molecule). Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol Molecule to be minimized. moving_atoms: array-like (default=None) Indices of freely moving atoms. If None, fixed atoms are assigned based on `fixed_atoms`. These two arguments are mutually exclusive. fixed_atoms: array-like (default=None) Indices of fixed atoms. If None, fixed atoms are assigned based on `moving_atoms`. These two arguments are mutually exclusive. cutoff: float (default=10.) Distance cutoff for the UFF minimization Returns ------- mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol Molecule with mimimized `moving_atoms` """ logger = RDLogger.logger() if not verbose: logger.setLevel(RDLogger.CRITICAL) if moving_atoms is None and fixed_atoms is None: raise ValueError('You must supply at least one set of moving/fixed ' 'atoms.') all_atoms = set(range(mol.GetNumAtoms())) if moving_atoms is None: moving_atoms = list(all_atoms.difference(fixed_atoms)) else: fixed_atoms = list(all_atoms.difference(moving_atoms)) # extract submolecules containing atoms within cutoff mol_conf = mol.GetConformer(-1) pos = np.array([mol_conf.GetAtomPosition(i) for i in range(mol_conf.GetNumAtoms())]) mask = (cdist(pos, pos[moving_atoms]) <= cutoff).any(axis=1) amap = np.where(mask)[0].tolist() # expand to whole residues pocket_residues = OrderedDict() protein_residues = GetResidues(mol) for res_id in protein_residues.keys(): if any(1 for res_aix in protein_residues[res_id] if res_aix in amap): pocket_residues[res_id] = protein_residues[res_id] amap = list(chain(*pocket_residues.values())) # TODO: above certain threshold its making a submolis redundant submol = AtomListToSubMol(mol, amap, includeConformer=True) # initialize ring info Chem.GetSSSR(submol) ff = UFFGetMoleculeForceField(submol, vdwThresh=cutoff, ignoreInterfragInteractions=False) for submol_id, atom_id in enumerate(amap): if atom_id not in moving_atoms: ff.AddFixedPoint(submol_id) ff.Initialize() ff.Minimize(energyTol=1e-4, forceTol=1e-3, maxIts=2000) # get the positions backbone conf = mol.GetConformer(-1) submol_conf = submol.GetConformer(-1) for submol_idx, mol_idx in enumerate(amap,): conf.SetAtomPosition(mol_idx, submol_conf.GetAtomPosition(submol_idx)) # FIXME: there's no getLevel method, so we set to default level if not verbose: logger.setLevel(RDLogger.INFO) return mol
[docs]def ExtractPocketAndLigand(mol, cutoff=12., expandResidues=True, ligand_residue=None, ligand_residue_blacklist=None, append_residues=None): """Function extracting a ligand (the largest HETATM residue) and the protein pocket within certain cutoff. The selection of pocket atoms can be expanded to contain whole residues. The single atom HETATM residues are attributed to pocket (metals and waters) Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol Molecule with a protein ligand complex cutoff: float (default=12.) Distance cutoff for the pocket atoms expandResidues: bool (default=True) Expand selection to whole residues within cutoff. ligand_residue: string (default None) Residue name which explicitly pint to a ligand(s). ligand_residue_blacklist: array-like, optional (default None) List of residues to ignore during ligand lookup. append_residues: array-like, optional (default None) List of residues to append to pocket, even if they are HETATM, such as MSE, ATP, AMP, ADP, etc. Returns ------- pocket: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.RWMol Pocket constructed of protein residues/atoms around ligand ligand: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.RWMol Largest HETATM residue contained in input molecule """ # Get heteroatom residues - connectivity still might be wrong, so GetFrags will fail # Use OrderDict, so that A chain is prefered first over B if ligands are equal hetatm_residues = OrderedDict() protein_residues = OrderedDict() for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): info = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() res_id = GetAtomResidueId(atom) if info.GetIsHeteroAtom(): if res_id not in hetatm_residues: hetatm_residues[res_id] = [] hetatm_residues[res_id].append(atom.GetIdx()) else: if res_id not in protein_residues: protein_residues[res_id] = [] protein_residues[res_id].append(atom.GetIdx()) # check if desired ligand residue is present if ligand_residue is not None and ligand_residue not in hetatm_residues: ValueError('Threre is no residue named "%s" in the protein file' % ligand_residue) for res_id in list(hetatm_residues.keys()): # exhaust keys since we modify # Treat single atom residues (waters + metals) as pocket residues # Also append listed residues to protein if (len(hetatm_residues[res_id]) == 1 and res_id[1] != ligand_residue or append_residues is not None and res_id[1] in append_residues): protein_residues[res_id] = hetatm_residues[res_id] del hetatm_residues[res_id] # leave only the desired residues elif ligand_residue is not None and res_id[1] != ligand_residue: del hetatm_residues[res_id] # remove blacklisted residues elif (ligand_residue_blacklist is not None and res_id[1] in ligand_residue_blacklist): del hetatm_residues[res_id] if len(hetatm_residues) == 0: raise ValueError('No ligands') # Take largest ligand ligand_key = sorted(hetatm_residues, key=lambda x: len(hetatm_residues[x]), reverse=True)[0] ligand_amap = hetatm_residues[ligand_key] ligand = AtomListToSubMol(mol, ligand_amap, includeConformer=True) # we should use GetPositions() here, but it often leads to segfault (RDKit) conf = ligand.GetConformer() ligand_coords = np.array([conf.GetAtomPosition(i) for i in range(ligand.GetNumAtoms())]) # Get protein and waters blacklist_ids = list(chain(*hetatm_residues.values())) protein_amap = np.array([i for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms()) if i not in blacklist_ids]) # we should use GetPositions() here, but it often leads to segfault (RDKit) conf = mol.GetConformer() protein_coords = np.array([conf.GetAtomPosition(i) for i in protein_amap.tolist()]) # Pocket selection based on cutoff mask = (cdist(protein_coords, ligand_coords) <= cutoff).any(axis=1) # IDs of atoms within cutoff pocket_amap = protein_amap[np.where(mask)[0]].tolist() # Expand pocket's residues if expandResidues: pocket_residues = OrderedDict() for res_id in protein_residues.keys(): if any(1 for res_aix in protein_residues[res_id] if res_aix in pocket_amap): pocket_residues[res_id] = protein_residues[res_id] pocket_amap = list(chain(*pocket_residues.values())) # Create pocket mol, pocket_amap needs to be mapped to mol Idxs pocket = AtomListToSubMol(mol, pocket_amap, includeConformer=True) return pocket, ligand
[docs]def GetAtomResidueId(atom): """Return (residue number, residue name, chain id) for a given atom""" info = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() res_id = (info.GetResidueNumber(), info.GetResidueName().strip(), info.GetChainId()) return res_id
[docs]def GetResidues(mol, atom_list=None): """Create dictrionary that maps residues to atom IDs: (res number, res name, chain id) --> [atom1 idx, atom2 idx, ...] """ residues = OrderedDict() if atom_list is None: atom_list = range(mol.GetNumAtoms()) for aid in atom_list: res_id = GetAtomResidueId(mol.GetAtomWithIdx(aid)) if res_id not in residues: residues[res_id] = [] residues[res_id].append(aid) return residues
[docs]def PreparePDBResidue(protein, residue, amap, template): """ Parameters ---------- protein: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.RWMol Mol with whole protein. Note that it is modified in place. residue: Mol with residue only amap: list List mapping atom IDs in residue to atom IDs in whole protein (amap[i] = j means that i'th atom in residue corresponds to j'th atom in protein) template: Residue template Returns ------- protein: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.RWMol Modified protein visited_bonds: list Bonds that match the template is_complete: bool Indicates whether all atoms in template were found in residue """ visited_bonds = [] is_complete = False # Catch residues which have less than 4 atoms (i.e. cannot have complete # backbone), and template has more atoms than that, or residues with # many missing atoms, which lead to low number of bonds (less than 3) if ((len(amap) < 4 or residue.GetNumBonds() < 3) and template.GetNumAtoms() > 4): raise SubstructureMatchError('Residue has too few atoms (%i) to ' 'properly assignbond orders.' % len(amap)) # modify copies instead of original molecules template2 = Chem.Mol(template) residue2 = Chem.Mol(residue) # do the molecules match already? match = residue2.GetSubstructMatch(template2) if not match: # no, they don't match residue2 = SimplifyMol(residue2) template2 = SimplifyMol(template2) # match is either tuple (if match was complete) or dict (if match # was partial) match = residue2.GetSubstructMatch(template2) # try inverse match if not match: inverse_match = template.GetSubstructMatch(residue) # if it failed try to match modified molecules (single bonds, # no charges, no aromatic atoms) if not inverse_match: inverse_match = template2.GetSubstructMatch(residue2) if inverse_match: match = (dict(zip(inverse_match, range(len(inverse_match))))) # do the molecules match now? if match: assert len(match) <= len(amap), \ 'matching is bigger than amap for %s' \ '(%s / %s vs %s; %s atoms vs %s atoms)' % ( template.GetProp('_Name'), Chem.MolToSmiles(template), Chem.MolToSmiles(template2), Chem.MolToSmiles(residue), residue.GetNumAtoms(), template.GetNumAtoms(), ) # Convert matches to dict to support partial match, where keys # are not complete sequence, as in full match. if isinstance(match, (tuple, list)): match = dict(zip(range(len(match)), match)) # apply matching: set bond properties for (atom1, atom2), (refatom1, refatom2) in \ zip(combinations(match.values(), 2), combinations(match.keys(), 2)): b = template.GetBondBetweenAtoms(refatom1, refatom2) b2 = protein.GetBondBetweenAtoms(amap[atom1], amap[atom2]) # remove extra bonds if b is None: if b2: # this bond is not there protein.RemoveBond(amap[atom1], amap[atom2]) continue # add missing bonds if b2 is None: protein.AddBond(amap[atom1], amap[atom2]) b2 = protein.GetBondBetweenAtoms(amap[atom1], amap[atom2]) # set bond properties b2.SetBondType(b.GetBondType()) b2.SetIsAromatic(b.GetIsAromatic()) visited_bonds.append((amap[atom1], amap[atom2])) # apply matching: set atom properties for a in template.GetAtoms(): if a.GetIdx() not in match: continue a2 = protein.GetAtomWithIdx(amap[match[a.GetIdx()]]) a2.SetHybridization(a.GetHybridization()) # partial match may not close ring, so set aromacity only if # atom is in ring if a2.IsInRing(): a2.SetIsAromatic(a.GetIsAromatic()) # TODO: check for connected Hs # n_hs = sum(n.GetAtomicNum() == 1 for n in a2.GetNeighbors()) a2.SetNumExplicitHs(a.GetNumExplicitHs()) a2.SetFormalCharge(a.GetFormalCharge()) # Update computed properties for an atom a2.UpdatePropertyCache(strict=False) if len(match) < template.GetNumAtoms(): # TODO: replace following with warning/logging # Get atom map of fixed fragment amap_frag = [amap[match[a.GetIdx()]] for a in template.GetAtoms() if a.GetIdx() in match] info = protein.GetAtomWithIdx(amap_frag[0]).GetPDBResidueInfo() print('Partial match. Probably incomplete sidechain.', template.GetProp('_Name'), Chem.MolToSmiles(template), Chem.MolToSmiles(template2), Chem.MolToSmiles(residue), Chem.MolToSmiles(AtomListToSubMol(protein, amap_frag)), info.GetResidueName(), info.GetResidueNumber(), info.GetChainId(), sep='\t', file=sys.stderr) else: is_complete = True else: # most common missing sidechain AA msg = 'No matching found' raise SubstructureMatchError(msg, template.GetProp('_Name'), Chem.MolToSmiles(template), Chem.MolToSmiles(template2), Chem.MolToSmiles(residue)) return protein, visited_bonds, is_complete
[docs]def AddMissingAtoms(protein, residue, amap, template): """Add missing atoms to protein molecule only at the residue according to template. Parameters ---------- protein: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.RWMol Mol with whole protein. Note that it is modified in place. residue: Mol with residue only amap: list List mapping atom IDs in residue to atom IDs in whole protein (amap[i] = j means that i'th atom in residue corresponds to j'th atom in protein) template: Residue template Returns ------- protein: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.RWMol Modified protein visited_bonds: list Bonds that match the template is_complete: bool Indicates whether all atoms in template were found in residue """ # TODO: try to better guess the types of atoms (if possible) # Catch residues which have less than 4 atoms (i.e. cannot have complete # backbone), and template has more atoms than that, or residues with # many missing atoms, which lead to low number of bonds (less than 3) if ((len(amap) < 4 or residue.GetNumBonds() < 3) and template.GetNumAtoms() > 4): raise AddAtomsError('Residue has too few atoms (%i) to properly embed ' 'residue conformer.' % len(amap)) # we need the match anyway and ConstrainedEmbed does not outputs it matched_atoms = template.GetSubstructMatch(residue) if matched_atoms: # instead of catching ValueError try: fixed_residue = ConstrainedEmbed(template, residue) except ValueError: raise AddAtomsError('Could not embed residue') else: residue2 = SimplifyMol(Chem.Mol(residue)) template2 = SimplifyMol(Chem.Mol(template)) matched_atoms = template2.GetSubstructMatch(residue2) if matched_atoms: try: fixed_residue = ConstrainedEmbed(template2, residue2) except ValueError: raise AddAtomsError('Could not embed residue') # copy coordinates to molecule with appropriate bond orders fixed_residue2 = Chem.Mol(template) fixed_residue2.RemoveAllConformers() fixed_residue2.AddConformer(fixed_residue.GetConformer(-1)) fixed_residue = fixed_residue2 else: raise SubstructureMatchError( 'No matching found at missing atom stage.', template.GetProp('_Name'), Chem.MolToSmiles(template), Chem.MolToSmiles(residue)) new_atoms = [] new_amap = [] info = residue.GetAtomWithIdx(0).GetPDBResidueInfo() protein_conformer = protein.GetConformer() fixed_conformer = fixed_residue.GetConformer() for i in range(fixed_residue.GetNumAtoms()): if i not in matched_atoms: atom = fixed_residue.GetAtomWithIdx(i) # we need to generate atom names like 'H123', these are # "wrapped around" below when setting 'atomName' to '3H12' atom_symbol = atom.GetSymbol() name = (atom_symbol + str(i)[:4-len(atom_symbol)]).ljust(4) new_info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo( atomName=name[-1:] + name[:-1], # wrap around residueName=info.GetResidueName(), residueNumber=info.GetResidueNumber(), chainId=info.GetChainId(), insertionCode=info.GetInsertionCode(), isHeteroAtom=info.GetIsHeteroAtom() ) atom.SetMonomerInfo(new_info) new_id = protein.AddAtom(atom) new_atoms.append(new_id) pos = fixed_conformer.GetAtomPosition(i) protein_conformer.SetAtomPosition(new_id, pos) new_amap.append(new_id) else: new_amap.append(amap[matched_atoms.index(i)]) # add bonds in separate loop (we need all atoms added before that) for i in range(fixed_residue.GetNumAtoms()): if i not in matched_atoms: atom = fixed_residue.GetAtomWithIdx(i) for n in atom.GetNeighbors(): ni = n.GetIdx() bond = fixed_residue.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i, ni) # for multiple missing atoms we may hit bonds multiple times new_bond = protein.GetBondBetweenAtoms(new_amap[i], new_amap[ni]) if new_bond is None: protein.AddBond(new_amap[i], new_amap[ni]) new_bond = protein.GetBondBetweenAtoms(new_amap[i], new_amap[ni]) new_bond.SetBondType(bond.GetBondType()) # if there are no new atoms raise an exception and dont go further if len(new_atoms) == 0: raise AddAtomsError backbone_definitions = [ # Phosphodiester Bond {'smarts': Chem.MolFromSmiles('O=P(O)OCC1OC(CC1O)'), 'atom_types': {0: 'OP1', 1: 'P', 2: 'OP2', 3: 'O5\'', 4: 'C5\'', 5: 'C4\'', 9: 'C3\'', 10: 'O3\''}, 'bond_pair': ('O3\'', 'P')}, # Peptide Bond {'smarts': Chem.MolFromSmiles('C(=O)CN'), 'atom_types': {0: 'C', 1: 'O', 2: 'CA', 3: 'N'}, 'bond_pair': ('C', 'N')}, ] info = residue.GetAtomWithIdx(0).GetPDBResidueInfo() res_num = info.GetResidueNumber() res_chain = info.GetChainId() for bond_def in backbone_definitions: backbone_match = fixed_residue.GetSubstructMatch(bond_def['smarts']) if backbone_match: for i in new_atoms: if new_amap.index(i) in backbone_match: atom = protein.GetAtomWithIdx(i) match_idx = backbone_match.index(new_amap.index(i)) if match_idx not in bond_def['atom_types']: # if atom type is not defined we can skip that atom continue # Set atom label if present in backbone definition match_type = bond_def['atom_types'][match_idx] atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().SetName(' ' + match_type.ljust(3)) # define upstream and downstream bonds bonds = zip([bond_def['bond_pair'], reversed(bond_def['bond_pair'])], [1, -1]) for (a1, a2), diff in bonds: if match_type == a1: limit = max(-1, protein.GetNumAtoms() * diff) for j in range(amap[0], limit, diff): info = (protein.GetAtomWithIdx(j) .GetPDBResidueInfo()) res2_num = info.GetResidueNumber() res2_chain = info.GetChainId() if (res2_num == res_num + diff and res_chain == res2_chain): if info.GetName().strip() == a2: protein.AddBond(i, j, Chem.BondType.SINGLE) break elif (abs(res2_num - res_num) > 1 or res_chain != res2_chain): break # run minimization just for this residue protein = UFFConstrainedOptimize(protein, moving_atoms=new_atoms) # run PreparePDBResidue to fix atom properies out = PreparePDBResidue(protein, fixed_residue, new_amap, template) return out + (new_atoms,)
[docs]def PreparePDBMol(mol, removeHs=True, removeHOHs=True, residue_whitelist=None, residue_blacklist=None, remove_incomplete=False, add_missing_atoms=False, custom_templates=None, replace_default_templates=False, ): """Prepares protein molecule by: - Removing Hs by hard using atomic number [default=True] - Removes HOH [default=True] - Assign bond orders from smiles of PDB residues (over 24k templates) - Removes bonds to metals Parameters ---------- mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol Mol with whole protein. removeHs: bool, optional (default True) If True, hydrogens will be forcefully removed removeHOHs: bool, optional (default True) If True, remove waters using residue name residue_whitelist: array-like, optional (default None) List of residues to clean. If not specified, all residues present in the structure will be used. residue_blacklist: array-like, optional (default None) List of residues to ignore during cleaning. If not specified, all residues present in the structure will be cleaned. remove_incomplete: bool, optional (default False) If True, remove residues that do not fully match the template add_missing_atoms: bool (default=False) Switch to add missing atoms accordingly to template SMILES structure. custom_templates: str or dict, optional (default None) Custom templates for residues. Can be either path to SMILES file, or dictionary mapping names to SMILES or Mol objects replace_default_templates: bool, optional (default False) Indicates whether default default templates should be replaced by cusom ones. If False, default templates will be updated with custom ones. This argument is ignored if custom_templates is None. Returns ------- new_mol: rdkit.Chem.rdchem.RWMol Modified protein """ new_mol = Chem.RWMol(mol) if removeHs: for i in reversed(range(new_mol.GetNumAtoms())): atom = new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i) if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 1: new_mol.RemoveAtom(i) if removeHOHs: for i in reversed(range(new_mol.GetNumAtoms())): atom = new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i) if atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetResidueName() == 'HOH': new_mol.RemoveAtom(i) # list of unique residues and their atom indices unique_resname = set() residues_atom_map = GetResidues(new_mol) # create a list of residue mols with atom maps residues = [] # residue_id == (res number, res name, chain id) for residue_id, amap in residues_atom_map.items(): unique_resname.add(residue_id[1].strip()) # skip waters if residue_id[1] != 'HOH': res = AtomListToSubMol(new_mol, amap, includeConformer=True) residues.append((residue_id, res, amap)) # load cutom templates if custom_templates is not None: if isinstance(custom_templates, str): custom_mols = ReadTemplates(custom_templates, unique_resname) elif isinstance(custom_templates, dict): custom_mols = {} for resname, structure in custom_templates.items(): if isinstance(structure, str): structure = Chem.MolFromSmiles(structure) structure.SetProp('_Name', resname) custom_mols[resname] = MolToTemplates(structure) else: raise TypeError('custom_templates should be file name on dict,' ' %s was given' % type(custom_templates)) if custom_templates is None or not replace_default_templates: filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', 'pdb_residue_templates.smi') template_mols = ReadTemplates(filename, unique_resname) else: template_mols = {} if custom_templates is not None: if replace_default_templates: template_mols = custom_mols else: template_mols.update(custom_mols) # Deal with residue lists if residue_whitelist is not None: unique_resname = set(residue_whitelist) if residue_blacklist is not None: unique_resname = unique_resname.difference(set(residue_blacklist)) unique_resname = tuple(map(lambda x: x.strip().upper(), unique_resname)) # reset B.O. using templates visited_bonds = [] new_atoms = [] atoms_to_del = [] for ((resnum, resname, chainid), residue, amap) in residues: if resname not in unique_resname: continue if resname not in template_mols: raise ValueError('There is no template for residue "%s"' % resname) template_raw, template_chain = template_mols[resname] if residue.GetNumAtoms() > template_chain.GetNumAtoms(): template = template_raw else: template = template_chain bonds = [] atoms = [] complete_match = False try: new_mol, bonds, complete_match = PreparePDBResidue(new_mol, residue, amap, template) if add_missing_atoms and not complete_match: new_mol, bonds, complete_match, atoms = AddMissingAtoms(new_mol, residue, amap, template) if atoms: print('Added %i atoms on residue' % len(atoms), resnum, resname, chainid, file=sys.stderr) except SubstructureMatchError as e: print(resnum, resname, chainid, e, file=sys.stderr) except AddAtomsError as e: print(resnum, resname, chainid, e, file=sys.stderr) finally: visited_bonds.extend(bonds) if remove_incomplete and not complete_match: atoms_to_del.extend(amap) else: new_atoms.extend(atoms) # HACK: remove not-visited bonds if visited_bonds: # probably we dont want to delete all new_mol = Chem.RWMol(new_mol) visited_bonds = set(visited_bonds) bonds_queue = [] backbone_bonds = [] # a list of backbone bonds to re-check for bond in new_mol.GetBonds(): a1 = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() a2 = bond.GetEndAtomIdx() if (a1, a2) not in visited_bonds and (a2, a1) not in visited_bonds: bonds_queue.append((a1, a2)) for a1_ix, a2_ix in bonds_queue: a1 = new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a1_ix) a2 = new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a2_ix) # get residue number a1_num = a1.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetResidueNumber() a2_num = a2.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetResidueNumber() # get PDB atom names a1_name = a1.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetName().strip() a2_name = a2.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetName().strip() if a1.GetAtomicNum() > 1 and a2.GetAtomicNum() > 1: # don't remove bonds between residues in backbone # and sulphur bridges if (((a1_name, a2_name) in {('C', 'N'), ('N', 'C'), ('P', 'O3\''), ('O3\'', 'P')} and abs(a1_num - a2_num) == 1) or # peptide or DNA bond (a1_name == 'SG' and a2_name == 'SG')): # sulphur bridge backbone_bonds.append((a1_ix, a2_ix)) else: new_mol.RemoveBond(a1_ix, a2_ix) else: pass # minimize new atoms if new_atoms: old_new_mol = Chem.RWMol(new_mol) Chem.GetSSSR(new_mol) # we need to update ring info new_mol = UFFConstrainedOptimize(new_mol, moving_atoms=new_atoms) print('RMS after minimization of added atoms (%i):' % len(new_atoms), Chem.rdMolAlign.AlignMol(new_mol, old_new_mol), file=sys.stderr) # remove all peptide, phosphodiester and sulfur bonds which are to long (<4A) if visited_bonds and bonds_queue: conf = new_mol.GetConformer(-1) for a1_ix, a2_ix in backbone_bonds: if np.linalg.norm(conf.GetAtomPosition(a1_ix) - conf.GetAtomPosition(a2_ix)) > 4: # np.array new_mol.RemoveBond(a1_ix, a2_ix) # check if new bonds have reasonable lengths new_bonds = set(chain(*(new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a).GetBonds() for a in new_atoms))) conformer = new_mol.GetConformer() for bond in new_bonds: a1 = bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() a2 = bond.GetEndAtomIdx() bond_length = np.linalg.norm(conformer.GetAtomPosition(a1) - conformer.GetAtomPosition(a2)) if bond_length > 3.0: res1 = '{1}{0}.{2}'.format(*GetAtomResidueId(new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a1))) res2 = '{1}{0}.{2}'.format(*GetAtomResidueId(new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(a2))) raise FixerError('Cannot fix the structure. Bond between atoms ' '%s (%s) and %s (%s) is too long.' % (a1, res1, a2, res2)) # index change here if atoms_to_del: new_mol = Chem.RWMol(new_mol) for idx in sorted(atoms_to_del, reverse=True): new_mol.RemoveAtom(idx) # if missing atoms were added we need to renumber them if add_missing_atoms and new_atoms: def atom_reorder_repr(i): """Generate keys for each atom during sort""" atom = new_mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i) info = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() return (info.GetChainId(), info.GetResidueNumber(), i) order = list(range(new_mol.GetNumAtoms())) new_order = sorted(order, key=atom_reorder_repr) Chem.GetSSSR(new_mol) new_mol = Chem.RenumberAtoms(new_mol, new_order) # highlight added atoms, but need to get their new idx first new_mol.__sssAtoms = [new_i for new_i, i in enumerate(new_order) if i in new_atoms] return new_mol
[docs]def FetchAffinityTable(pdbids, affinity_types): """Fetch affinity data from RCSB PDB server. Parameters ---------- pdbids: array-like List of PDB IDs of structres with protein-ligand complexes. affinity_types: array-like List of types of affinity data to retrieve. Available types are: Ki, Kd, EC50, IC50, deltaG, deltaH, deltaS, Ka. Returns ------- ligand_affinity: pd.DataFrame Table with protein-ligand binding affinities. Table contains following columns: structureId, ligandId, ligandFormula, ligandMolecularWeight + columns named after affinity types specified byt the user. """ ids_string = ','.join(pdbids) pdb_report_url = ('' 'pdbids=%s&reportName=%s&service=wsfile&format=csv') # get table with ligands ligands = pd.read_csv(pdb_report_url % (ids_string, 'Ligands')) ligands = ligands.dropna(subset=['structureId', 'ligandId']) # get table with binding affinites affinity = pd.read_csv(pdb_report_url % (ids_string, 'BindingAffinity')) affinity = affinity.rename(columns={'hetId': 'ligandId'}) # inner join of two tables - all ligands with known affinities ligand_affinity = ( pd.merge(ligands, affinity, sort=False) .drop_duplicates(subset=['structureId', 'ligandId']) .dropna(subset=affinity_types, how='all') .fillna('') ) # remove comments from columns with affinity data for affinity_type in affinity_types: ligand_affinity[affinity_type] = ( ligand_affinity[affinity_type] .str .split(' ', expand=True)[0] ) columns = ['structureId', 'ligandId', 'ligandFormula', 'ligandMolecularWeight'] + affinity_types return ligand_affinity[columns]
[docs]def FetchStructure(pdbid, sanitize=False, removeHs=True, cache_dir=None): """Fetch the structure in PDB format from RCSB PDB server and read it with rdkit. Parameters ---------- pdbid: str PDB IDs of the structre sanitize: bool, optional (default False) Toggles molecule sanitation removeHs: bool, optional (default False) Indicates wheter Hs should be removed during reading Returns ------- mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol Retrieved molecule """ if cache_dir is not None: structure_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, pdbid) structure_path = os.path.join(structure_dir, '%s.pdb' % pdbid) if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) if not os.path.isdir(structure_dir): os.makedirs(structure_dir) if os.path.isfile(structure_path): mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(structure_path, sanitize=sanitize, removeHs=removeHs) return mol req = urllib.request.Request('' % pdbid) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) pdb_block ='utf-8') mol = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(pdb_block, sanitize=sanitize, removeHs=removeHs) if cache_dir is not None: with open(structure_path, 'w') as f: f.write(pdb_block) return mol
[docs]def IsResidueConnected(mol, atom_ids): """Check if residue with given atom IDs is connected to other residues in the molecule. """ residues = set(GetResidues(mol, atom_ids)) if len(residues) > 1: raise ValueError('Atoms belong to multiple residues:' + str(residues)) residue = residues.pop() to_check = set(atom_ids) visited_atoms = set() while len(to_check) > 0: aid = to_check.pop() visited_atoms.add(aid) atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(aid) for atom2 in atom.GetNeighbors(): if atom2.GetIdx() in visited_atoms: continue if residue != GetAtomResidueId(atom2): # we got to different residue so it is connected return True else: to_check.add(atom2.GetIdx()) return False
[docs]def PrepareComplexes(pdbids, pocket_dist_cutoff=12., affinity_types=None, cache_dir=None): """Fetch structures and affinity data from RCSB PDB server and prepare ligand-pocket pairs for small molecules with known activites. Parameters ---------- pdbids: array-like List of PDB IDs of structres with protein-ligand complexes. pocket_dist_cutoff: float, optional (default 12.) Distance cutoff for the pocket atoms affinity_types: array-like, optional (default None) List of types of affinity data to retrieve. Available types are: Ki, Kd, EC50, IC50, deltaG, deltaH, deltaS, Ka. If not specified Ki, Kd, EC50, and IC50 are used. Returns ------- complexes: dict Dictionary with pocket-ligand paris, structured as follows: {'pdbid': {'ligid': (pocket_mol, ligand_mol)}. Ligands have binding affinity data stored as properties. """ if affinity_types is None: affinity_types = ['Ki', 'Kd', 'EC50', 'IC50'] affinity_table = FetchAffinityTable(pdbids, affinity_types) complexes = {} for pdbid, tab in affinity_table.groupby('structureId'): complexes[pdbid] = {} complex_mol = FetchStructure(pdbid, cache_dir=cache_dir) # we need to use fixer with rdkit < 2018 complex_mol = PreparePDBMol(complex_mol) ligand_atoms = {res_name: {} for res_name in tab['ligandId']} for atom in complex_mol.GetAtoms(): info = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() res_name = info.GetResidueName().strip() if res_name not in ligand_atoms: continue res_id = (info.GetResidueNumber(), info.GetChainId()) if res_id not in ligand_atoms[res_name]: ligand_atoms[res_name][res_id] = [] ligand_atoms[res_name][res_id].append(atom.GetIdx()) proper_ligands = [] for res_name, atoms_ids in ligand_atoms.items(): # ligand shouldn't be connected to other residues if not any(IsResidueConnected(complex_mol, atom_list) for atom_list in atoms_ids.values()): proper_ligands.append(res_name) for res_name in proper_ligands: try: pocket, ligand = ExtractPocketAndLigand( complex_mol, cutoff=pocket_dist_cutoff, ligand_residue=res_name) except Exception: print('Cant get pocket and ligand for %s and %s' % (pdbid, res_name)) continue # prepare the pocket # TODO: add missing atoms pocket = PreparePDBMol(pocket) flag = Chem.SanitizeMol(pocket) if flag != Chem.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_NONE: raise SanitizeError('Cannot sanitize pocket for %s and %s' % (pdbid, res_name)) flag = Chem.SanitizeMol(ligand) if flag != Chem.SanitizeFlags.SANITIZE_NONE: raise SanitizeError('Cannot sanitize ligand for %s and %s' % (pdbid, res_name)) affinity_values = ( tab [tab['ligandId'] == res_name] [affinity_types] .iloc[0] ) for affinity_type, value in zip(affinity_types, affinity_values): if len(value) == 0: continue # parse values like ">1000" or "0.5-0.8" value = [float(v.strip('<>~')) for v in value.split('-')] if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] else: # it's range, use its middle assert len(value) == 2 value = sum(value) / 2 ligand.SetProp(affinity_type, str(value)) complexes[pdbid][res_name] = (pocket, ligand) return complexes