Source code for oddt.scoring.descriptors

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist as distance

from oddt.docking import autodock_vina
from oddt.docking.internal import vina_docking

__all__ = ['close_contacts',

def atoms_by_type(atom_dict, types, mode='atomic_nums'):
    """Returns atom dictionaries based on given criteria.
    Currently we have 3 types of atom selection criteria:
        * atomic numbers ['atomic_nums']
        * Sybyl Atom Types ['atom_types_sybyl']
        * AutoDock4 atom types ['atom_types_ad4'] (

        atom_dict: oddt.toolkit.Molecule.atom_dict
            Atom dictionary as implemeted in oddt.toolkit.Molecule class

        types: array-like
            List of atom types/numbers wanted.

        out: dictionary of shape=[len(types)]
            A dictionary of queried atom types (types are keys of the dictionary).
            Values are of oddt.toolkit.Molecule.atom_dict type.
    if mode == 'atomic_nums':
        return {num: atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == num] for num in set(types)}
    elif mode == 'atom_types_sybyl':
        return {t: atom_dict[atom_dict['atomtype'] == t] for t in set(types)}
    elif mode == 'atom_types_ad4':
        # all AD4 atom types are capitalized
        types = [t.upper() for t in types]
        out = {}
        for t in set(types):
            if t == 'HD':
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 1) & atom_dict['isdonorh']]
            elif t == 'C':
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 6) & ~atom_dict['isaromatic']]
            elif t == 'CD':  # not canonical AD4 type, although used by NNscore, with no description
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 6) & ~atom_dict['isdonor']]
            elif t == 'A':
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 6) & atom_dict['isaromatic']]
            elif t == 'N':
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 7) & ~atom_dict['isacceptor']]
            elif t == 'NA':
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 7) & atom_dict['isacceptor']]
            elif t == 'OA':
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 8) & atom_dict['isacceptor']]
            elif t == 'F':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 9]
            elif t == 'MG':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 12]
            elif t == 'P':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 15]
            elif t == 'SA':
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 16) & atom_dict['isacceptor']]
            elif t == 'S':
                out[t] = atom_dict[(atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 16) & ~atom_dict['isacceptor']]
            elif t == 'CL':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 17]
            elif t == 'CA':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 20]
            elif t == 'MN':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 25]
            elif t == 'FE':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 26]
            elif t == 'CU':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 29]
            elif t == 'ZN':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 30]
            elif t == 'BR':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 35]
            elif t == 'I':
                out[t] = atom_dict[atom_dict['atomicnum'] == 53]
                raise ValueError('Unsopported atom type: %s' % t)
        return out

[docs]class close_contacts(object): def __init__(self, protein=None, cutoff=4, mode='atomic_nums', ligand_types=None, protein_types=None, aligned_pairs=False): """Close contacts descriptor which tallies atoms of type X in certain cutoff from atoms of type Y. Parameters ---------- protein: oddt.toolkit.Molecule or None (default=None) Default protein to use as reference cutoff: int or list, shape=[n,] or shape=[n,2] (default=4) Cutoff for atoms in Angstroms given as an integer or a list of ranges, eg. [0, 4, 8, 12] or [[0,4],[4,8],[8,12]]. Upper bound is always inclusive, lower exclusive. mode: string (default='atomic_nums') Method of atoms selection, as used in `atoms_by_type` ligand_types: array List of ligand atom types to use protein_types: array List of protein atom types to use aligned_pairs: bool (default=False) Flag indicating should permutation of types should be done, otherwise the atoms are treated as aligned pairs. """ if type(cutoff) in [int, float]: self.cutoff = np.array([cutoff]) elif len(np.array(cutoff).shape) == 1: self.cutoff = np.vstack((np.array(cutoff)[:-1], np.array(cutoff)[1:])).T else: self.cutoff = np.array(cutoff) # for pickle save original value self.original_cutoff = cutoff self.protein = protein self.ligand_types = ligand_types self.protein_types = protein_types if protein_types else ligand_types self.aligned_pairs = aligned_pairs self.mode = mode # setup titles if len(self.cutoff) == 1: self.titles = ['%s.%s' % (str(p), str(l)) for p in self.protein_types for l in self.ligand_types ] else: self.titles = ['%s.%s_%s-%s' % (str(p), str(l), str(c1), str(c2)) for p in self.protein_types for l in self.ligand_types for c1, c2 in self.cutoff ]
[docs] def build(self, ligands, protein=None, single=False): """Builds descriptors for series of ligands Parameters ---------- ligands: iterable of oddt.toolkit.Molecules or oddt.toolkit.Molecule A list or iterable of ligands to build the descriptor or a single molecule. protein: oddt.toolkit.Molecule or None (default=None) Default protein to use as reference single: bool (default=False) Flag indicating if the ligand is single. """ if protein: self.protein = protein if single and type(ligands) is not list: ligands = [ligands] out = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=int) for mol in ligands: mol_dict = atoms_by_type(mol.atom_dict, self.ligand_types, self.mode) if self.aligned_pairs: pairs = zip(self.ligand_types, self.protein_types) else: pairs = [(mol_type, prot_type) for mol_type in self.ligand_types for prot_type in self.protein_types] # desc = np.array([(distance(atoms_by_type(protein.atom_dict, [prot_type], self.mode)[prot_type]['coords'], atoms_by_type(mol.atom_dict, [mol_type], self.mode)[mol_type]['coords'])[..., np.newaxis] <= self.cutoff).sum(axis=(0,1)) for mol_type, prot_type in pairs], dtype=int).flatten() local_protein_dict = self.protein.atom_dict[(distance(self.protein.atom_dict['coords'], mol.atom_dict['coords']) <= self.cutoff.max()).any(axis=1)] prot_dict = atoms_by_type(local_protein_dict, self.protein_types, self.mode) desc = [] for mol_type, prot_type in pairs: d = distance(prot_dict[prot_type]['coords'], mol_dict[mol_type]['coords'])[..., np.newaxis] if len(self.cutoff) > 1: count = ((d > self.cutoff[..., 0]) & (d <= self.cutoff[..., 1])).sum(axis=(0, 1)) # count = ne.evaluate('(d > c0) & (d <= c1)', {'d': d, 'c0': cutoff[...,0], 'c1': self.cutoff[...,1]}).sum(axis=(0,1)) else: count = (d <= self.cutoff).sum() desc.append(count) desc = np.array(desc, dtype=int).flatten() out = np.vstack((out, desc)) return out[1:]
def __len__(self): """ Returns the dimensions of descriptors """ if self.aligned_pairs: return len(self.ligand_types) * self.cutoff.shape[0] else: return len(self.ligand_types) * len(self.protein_types) * self.cutoff.shape[0] def __reduce__(self): return close_contacts, (self.protein, self.original_cutoff, self.mode, self.ligand_types, self.protein_types, self.aligned_pairs)
[docs]class fingerprints(object): def __init__(self, fp='fp2', toolkit='ob'): self.fp = fp = False # if toolkit == oddt.toolkit.backend: # = False # else: # = True # self.target_toolkit = __import__('toolkits.'+toolkit) def _get_fingerprint(self, mol): if mol = self.target_toolkit.Molecule(mol) return mol.calcfp(self.fp).raw
[docs] def build(self, mols, single=False): if single: mols = [mols] out = None for mol in mols: fp = self._get_fingerprint(mol) if out is None: out = np.zeros_like(fp) out = np.vstack((fp, out)) return out[1:]
def __reduce__(self): return fingerprints, ()
[docs]class autodock_vina_descriptor(object): def __init__(self, protein=None, vina_scores=None): self.protein = protein self.vina = autodock_vina(protein) self.vina_scores = vina_scores or ['vina_affinity', 'vina_gauss1', 'vina_gauss2', 'vina_repulsion', 'vina_hydrophobic', 'vina_hydrogen'] self.titles = self.vina_scores
[docs] def set_protein(self, protein): self.protein = protein self.vina.set_protein(protein)
[docs] def build(self, ligands, protein=None, single=False): if protein: self.set_protein(protein) else: protein = self.protein if ligands.__class__.__name__ == 'Molecule': ligands = [ligands] desc = None for mol in ligands: # Vina # TODO: Asynchronous output from vina, push command to score and retrieve at the end? # TODO: Check if ligand has vina scores scored_mol = self.vina.score(mol, single=True)[0].data vec = np.array(([scored_mol[key] for key in self.vina_scores]), dtype=np.float32).flatten() if desc is None: desc = vec else: desc = np.vstack((desc, vec)) if len(desc.shape) == 1: desc = desc.reshape(1, -1) return desc
def __len__(self): """ Returns the dimensions of descriptors """ return len(self.vina_scores) def __reduce__(self): return autodock_vina_descriptor, (self.protein, self.vina_scores)
[docs]class oddt_vina_descriptor(object): def __init__(self, protein=None, vina_scores=None): self.protein = protein self.vina = vina_docking(protein) self.all_vina_scores = ['vina_affinity', # inter-molecular interactions 'vina_gauss1', 'vina_gauss2', 'vina_repulsion', 'vina_hydrophobic', 'vina_hydrogen', # intra-molecular interactions 'vina_intra_gauss1', 'vina_intra_gauss2', 'vina_intra_repulsion', 'vina_intra_hydrophobic', 'vina_intra_hydrogen', 'vina_num_rotors'] self.vina_scores = vina_scores or self.all_vina_scores self.titles = self.vina_scores
[docs] def set_protein(self, protein): self.protein = protein self.vina.set_protein(protein)
[docs] def build(self, ligands, protein=None, single=False): if protein: self.set_protein(protein) else: protein = self.protein if ligands.__class__.__name__ == 'Molecule': ligands = [ligands] desc = None for mol in ligands: mol_keys = if any(x not in mol_keys for x in self.vina_scores): self.vina.set_ligand(mol) inter = self.vina.score_inter() intra = self.vina.score_intra() num_rotors = self.vina.num_rotors # could use self.vina.score(), but better to reuse variables affinity = ((inter * self.vina.weights[:5]).sum() / (1 + self.vina.weights[5] * num_rotors)) assert len(self.all_vina_scores) == len(inter) + len(intra) + 2 score = dict(zip(self.all_vina_scores, np.hstack((affinity, inter, intra, num_rotors)).flatten())) else: score = try: vec = np.array([score[s] for s in self.vina_scores], dtype=np.float32).flatten() except Exception as e: print(score, affinity, inter, intra, num_rotors) print(mol.title) raise e if desc is None: desc = vec else: desc = np.vstack((desc, vec)) if len(desc.shape) == 1: desc = desc.reshape(1, -1) return desc
def __len__(self): """ Returns the dimensions of descriptors """ return len(self.vina_scores) def __reduce__(self): return oddt_vina_descriptor, (self.protein, self.vina_scores)