Source code for oddt.toolkits.extras.rdkit

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
from rdkit import Chem

_metals = (3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
           30, 31, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
           50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
           69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
           87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101,
           102, 103)

[docs]def MolFromPDBBlock(molBlock, sanitize=True, removeHs=True, flavor=0): mol = Chem.MolFromPDBBlock(molBlock, sanitize=sanitize, removeHs=removeHs, flavor=flavor) # Adjust connectivity for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): res = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() if res is None: continue res_name = res.GetResidueName() atom_name = res.GetName().strip() # Fix missing double bonds in RDKit - double bonds if atom_name == 'O' and not res.GetIsHeteroAtom() and atom.GetDegree() == 1: atom.SetNoImplicit(True) atom.GetBonds()[0].SetBondType(Chem.BondType.DOUBLE) # Double bonds in sidechains if res_name in ['HID', 'HIE', 'HIP']: if atom_name == 'CD2': for bond in atom.GetBonds(): if bond.GetOtherAtom(atom).GetPDBResidueInfo().GetName().strip() == 'CG': bond.SetBondType(Chem.BondType.DOUBLE) break if res_name == 'HID': if atom_name == 'CE1': for bond in atom.GetBonds(): if bond.GetOtherAtom(atom).GetPDBResidueInfo().GetName().strip() == 'ND1': bond.SetBondType(Chem.BondType.DOUBLE) break elif res_name in ['HIE', 'HIP']: if atom_name == 'CE1': for bond in atom.GetBonds(): if bond.GetOtherAtom(atom).GetPDBResidueInfo().GetName().strip() == 'NE2': bond.SetBondType(Chem.BondType.DOUBLE) break if sanitize: result = Chem.SanitizeMol(mol) if result != 0: return None # Debug # for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): # res = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() # if res is None: # continue # res_name = res.GetResidueName() # atom_name = res.GetName().strip() # if atom_name in ['NE2', 'ND1'] and res_name in ['HID', 'HIE', 'HIS']: # print(res_name, # atom_name, # atom.GetDegree(), # atom.GetTotalValence(), # atom.GetNumExplicitHs(), # atom.GetNumImplicitHs(), # sum(n.GetAtomicNum() == 1 for n in atom.GetNeighbors()), # sep='\t') return mol
# Mol2 Atom typing def _sybyl_atom_type(atom): """ Asign sybyl atom type Reference #1: Reference #2: """ sybyl = None atom_symbol = atom.GetSymbol() atomic_num = atom.GetAtomicNum() hyb = atom.GetHybridization()-1 # -1 since 1 = sp, 2 = sp1 etc hyb = min(hyb, 3) degree = atom.GetDegree() aromtic = atom.GetIsAromatic() # define groups for atom types guanidine = '[NX3,NX2]([!O,!S])!@C(!@[NX3,NX2]([!O,!S]))!@[NX3,NX2]([!O,!S])' # strict # guanidine = '[NX3]([!O])([!O])!:C!:[NX3]([!O])([!O])' # corina compatible # guanidine = '[NX3]!@C(!@[NX3])!@[NX3,NX2]' # guanidine = '[NX3]C([NX3])=[NX2]' # guanidine = '[NX3H1,NX2,NX3H2]C(=[NH1])[NH2]' # previous # if atomic_num == 6: if aromtic: sybyl = '' elif degree == 3 and _atom_matches_smarts(atom, guanidine): sybyl = '' else: sybyl = '%s.%i' % (atom_symbol, hyb) elif atomic_num == 7: if aromtic: sybyl = '' elif _atom_matches_smarts(atom, 'C(=[O,S])-N'): sybyl = '' elif degree == 3 and _atom_matches_smarts(atom, '[$(N!-*),$([NX3H1]-*!-*)]'): sybyl = 'N.pl3' elif _atom_matches_smarts(atom, guanidine): # guanidine has N.pl3 sybyl = 'N.pl3' elif degree == 4 or hyb == 3 and atom.GetFormalCharge(): sybyl = 'N.4' else: sybyl = '%s.%i' % (atom_symbol, hyb) elif atomic_num == 8: # if degree == 1 and _atom_matches_smarts(atom, '[CX3](=O)[OX1H0-]'): sybyl = 'O.co2' elif degree == 2 and not aromtic: # Aromatic Os are sp2 sybyl = 'O.3' else: sybyl = 'O.2' elif atomic_num == 16: # if degree == 3 and _atom_matches_smarts(atom, '[$([#16X3]=[OX1]),$([#16X3+][OX1-])]'): sybyl = 'S.O' # elif _atom_matches_smarts(atom, 'S(=,-[OX1;+0,-1])(=,-[OX1;+0,-1])(-[#6])-[#6]'): sybyl = 'S.o2' else: sybyl = '%s.%i' % (atom_symbol, hyb) elif atomic_num == 15 and hyb == 3: sybyl = '%s.%i' % (atom_symbol, hyb) if not sybyl: sybyl = atom_symbol return sybyl def _atom_matches_smarts(atom, smarts): idx = atom.GetIdx() patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smarts) for m in atom.GetOwningMol().GetSubstructMatches(patt): if idx in m: return True return False def _amide_bond(bond): a1 = bond.GetBeginAtom() a2 = bond.GetEndAtom() if a1.GetAtomicNum() == 6 and a2.GetAtomicNum() == 7 or a2.GetAtomicNum() == 6 and a1.GetAtomicNum() == 7: # patt = Chem.MolFromSmarts('C(=O)-N') for m in bond.GetOwningMol().GetSubstructMatches(patt): if a1.GetIdx() in m and a2.GetIdx() in m: return True return False