Source code for oddt.datasets

""" Datasets wrapped in convenient models """
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import six
import pandas as pd
from os.path import isfile, isdir
from os import listdir
import warnings

from oddt import toolkit

[docs]class pdbbind(object): def __init__(self, home, version=None, default_set=None, opt=None): if version is None: raise ValueError('PDBbind version not specified') else: version = int(version) self.home = home if default_set: self.default_set = default_set else: if version == 2007: self.default_set = 'general' else: self.default_set = 'general_PL' self.opt = opt or {} self.sets = {} self._set_ids = {} self._set_act = {} # list of protein ids that are known to segfault toolkits self.protein_blacklist = { 'ob': {'1e8h', '1ntk', '1nu1', '1rbo', '1sqb', '1sqp', '1sqq', '2f2h', '2wig', '2wij', '2wik', '3axk', '3axm', '3cf1', # Following segfault on systems with smaller RAM '1px4', '1pyg', '1zyr', '3a2c', '3dxj', '3dyo', '3eql', '3f33', '3f34', '3f35', '3f36', '3f37', '3f38', '3f39', '3i3b', '3i3d', '3k1j', '3muz', '3mv0', '3n75', '3t08', '3t09', '3t0b', '3t0d', '3t2p', '3t2q', '3vd4', '3vd7', '3vd9', '3vdb', '3vdc', '3wi6', '4kmu', '4kn4', '4kn7', '7gpb', # extended use segfaults (not only reading problem) '1l7x', }, 'rdk': {} } if version == 2007: self.pdbind_sets = ['core', 'refined', 'general'] else: self.pdbind_sets = ['core', 'refined', 'general_PL'] for pdbind_set in self.pdbind_sets: if version == 2007: csv_file = os.path.join(self.home, '' % (version, pdbind_set)) elif version >= 2016: csv_file = os.path.join(self.home, 'index', 'INDEX_%s_data.%i' % (pdbind_set, version)) else: csv_file = os.path.join(self.home, 'INDEX_%s_data.%i' % (pdbind_set, version)) if os.path.isfile(csv_file): data = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep='\s+', usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3], names=['pdbid', 'resolution', 'release_year', 'act'], comment='#') self._set_ids[pdbind_set] = data['pdbid'].tolist() self._set_act[pdbind_set] = data['act'].tolist() self.sets[pdbind_set] = dict(zip(self._set_ids[pdbind_set], self._set_act[pdbind_set])) if len(self.sets) == 0: raise Exception('There is no PDBbind set availabe') @property def ids(self): # return sorted(self.sets[self.default_set].keys()) return self._set_ids[self.default_set] @property def activities(self): return self._set_act[self.default_set] def __iter__(self): for pdbid in self.ids: yield _pdbbind_id(self.home, pdbid, opt=self.opt) def __getitem__(self, pdbid): warn_msg = ('A protein "%s" is blacklisted (known to segfault) for ' 'current toolkit. Proceed at your own risk.' % pdbid) if pdbid in self.ids: if pdbid in self.protein_blacklist[toolkit.backend]: warnings.warn(warn_msg, UserWarning) return _pdbbind_id(self.home, pdbid, opt=self.opt) elif (isinstance(pdbid, int) and pdbid < len(self.ids) and pdbid >= -len(self.ids)): if self.ids[pdbid] in self.protein_blacklist[toolkit.backend]: warnings.warn(warn_msg, UserWarning) return _pdbbind_id(self.home + '', self.ids[pdbid], opt=self.opt) else: raise KeyError('There is no such target ("%s")' % pdbid)
class _pdbbind_id(object): def __init__(self, home, pdbid, opt=None): self.home = home = pdbid self.opt = opt or {} @property def protein(self): f = os.path.join(self.home,, '%s_protein.pdb' % if os.path.isfile(f): protein = next(toolkit.readfile('pdb', f, lazy=True, opt=self.opt)) if protein is not None: protein.protein = True return protein else: return None @property def pocket(self): f = os.path.join(self.home,, '%s_pocket.pdb' % if os.path.isfile(f): pocket = next(toolkit.readfile('pdb', f, lazy=True, opt=self.opt)) if pocket is not None: pocket.protein = True return pocket else: return None @property def ligand(self): f = os.path.join(self.home,, '%s_ligand.sdf' % if os.path.isfile(f): return next(toolkit.readfile('sdf', f, lazy=True, opt=self.opt)) else: return None
[docs]class dude(object): def __init__(self, home): """A wrapper for DUD-E (A Database of Useful Decoys: Enhanced) Parameters ---------- home : str Path to files from dud-e """ self.home = home if not os.path.isdir(self.home): raise Exception('Directory %s doesn\'t exist' % self.home) self.ids = [] files = ['receptor.pdb', 'crystal_ligand.mol2', 'actives_final.mol2.gz', 'decoys_final.mol2.gz'] # ids sorted by size of protein all_ids = [ 'fnta', 'dpp4', 'mmp13', 'hivpr', 'ada17', 'mk14', 'egfr', 'src', 'drd3', 'aa2ar', 'cah2', 'parp1', 'cdk2', 'lck', 'pde5a', 'thrb', 'aces', 'try1', 'pparg', 'vgfr2', 'pgh2', 'esr1', 'fa10', 'esr2', 'ppara', 'dhi1', 'hivrt', 'bace1', 'ace', 'dyr', 'akt1', 'adrb1', 'prgr', 'gcr', 'adrb2', 'andr', 'ppard', 'csf1r', 'gria2', 'cp3a4', 'met', 'pgh1', 'abl1', 'casp3', 'kit', 'hdac8', 'hdac2', 'braf', 'urok', 'lkha4', 'igf1r', 'aldr', 'fpps', 'hmdh', 'kpcb', 'tgfr1', 'ital', 'mp2k1', 'nos1', 'tryb1', 'rxra', 'thb', 'cp2c9', 'ptn1', 'reni', 'pnph', 'tysy', 'akt2', 'kif11', 'aofb', 'plk1', 'hivint', 'mk10', 'pyrd', 'grik1', 'jak2', 'rock1', 'fa7', 'mapk2', 'nram', 'wee1', 'fkb1a', 'def', 'ada', 'fak1', 'mcr', 'pa2ga', 'xiap', 'hs90a', 'hxk4', 'mk01', 'pygm', 'glcm', 'comt', 'sahh', 'cxcr4', 'kith', 'ampc', 'pur2', 'fabp4', 'inha', 'fgfr1', ] for i in all_ids: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.home, i)): self.ids.append(i) for fname in files: f = os.path.join(self.home, i, fname) if not (os.path.isfile(f) or (fname[-3:] == '.gz' and os.path.isfile(f[:-3]))): print('Target %s doesn\'t have file %s' % (i, fname), file=sys.stderr) if not self.ids: print('No targets in directory %s' % (self.home), file=sys.stderr) def __iter__(self): for dude_id in self.ids: yield _dude_target(self.home, dude_id) def __getitem__(self, dude_id): if dude_id in self.ids: return _dude_target(self.home, dude_id) else: raise KeyError('There is no such target ("%s")' % dude_id)
class _dude_target(object): def __init__(self, home, dude_id): """Allows to read files of the dude target Parameters ---------- home : str Directory to files from dud-e dude_id : str Target id """ self.home = home self.dude_id = dude_id @property def protein(self): """Read a protein file""" f = os.path.join(self.home, self.dude_id, 'receptor.pdb') if os.path.isfile(f): return next(toolkit.readfile('pdb', f)) else: return None @property def ligand(self): """Read a ligand file""" f = os.path.join(self.home, self.dude_id, 'crystal_ligand.mol2') if os.path.isfile(f): return next(toolkit.readfile('mol2', f)) else: return None @property def actives(self): """Read an actives file""" f = os.path.join(self.home, self.dude_id, 'actives_final.mol2.gz') if os.path.isfile(f): return toolkit.readfile('mol2', f) # check if file is unpacked elif os.path.isfile(f[:-3]): return toolkit.readfile('mol2', f[:-3]) else: return None @property def decoys(self): """Read a decoys file""" f = os.path.join(self.home, self.dude_id, 'decoys_final.mol2.gz') if os.path.isfile(f): return toolkit.readfile('mol2', f) # check if file is unpacked elif os.path.isfile(f[:-3]): return toolkit.readfile('mol2', f[:-3]) else: return None
[docs]class CASF: """Load CASF dataset as described in Li, Y. et al. Comparative Assessment of Scoring Functions on an Updated Benchmark: 2. Evaluation Methods and General Results. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 54, 1717-1736. (2014) Parameters ---------- home: string Path to CASF dataset main directory """ def __init__(self, home): self.home = home self.index = '%s/coreset/index/' % self.home if isdir(self.index): filepath = '%s/2013_core_data.lst' % self.index self.index_data = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep=r'\s+', comment='#', header=None, names=['pdbid', 'act', 'cluster'], usecols=[0, 1, 5]) self.pdbids = self.index_data['pdbid'] def __iter__(self): for pdbid in self.pdbids: yield _CASFTarget(self.home, pdbid) def __getitem__(self, item): if item in self.pdbids: return _CASFTarget(self.home, item) elif isinstance(int, item) and item < len(self.pdbids): return _CASFTarget(self.home, self.pdbids[item]) else: raise KeyError
[docs] def precomputed_score(self, scoring_function=None): """Load precomputed results of scoring power test for various scoring functions. Parameters ---------- scoring_function: string (default=None) Name of the scoring function to get results If None, all results are returned. """ examples_dir = '%s/power_scoring/examples' % self.home if scoring_function is not None: functions = [scoring_function] else: functions = listdir(examples_dir) functions.remove('README') frames = [] for fun in functions: file_score = '%s/%s' % (examples_dir, fun) if not isfile(file_score): raise FileNotFoundError('Invalid scoring function name') score = pd.read_csv(file_score, comment='#', sep=r'\s+', header=None, names=['pdbid', 'score_crystal', 'score_opt']) act = self.index_data[['pdbid', 'act']] scores = pd.merge(score, act) scores['scoring_function'] = pd.Series([fun] * 195, name='Scoring function') frames.append(scores) return pd.concat(frames)
[docs] def precomputed_screening(self, scoring_function=None, cluster_id=None): """Load precomputed results of screening power test for various scoring functions Parameters ---------- scoring_function: string (default=None) Name of the scoring function to get results If None, all results are returned cluster_id: int (default=None) Number of the protein cluster to get results If None, all results are returned """ screening_dir = '%s/power_screening' % self.home examples_dir = '%s/examples' % screening_dir if scoring_function is not None: functions = [scoring_function] else: functions = listdir(examples_dir) cluster_frame = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cluster_id', 'protein_structure', 'cluster_proteins']) data_file = open('%s/TargetInfo.dat' % screening_dir) for cluster, line in enumerate(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith('#'), data_file.readlines())): line = line.split() protein_structure = line[0] cluster_proteins = line[1:] cluster_frame.loc[cluster] = [cluster + 1, protein_structure, cluster_proteins] frames = [] for fun in functions: file_dir = '%s/%s' % (examples_dir, fun) if not isdir(file_dir): raise FileNotFoundError('Invalid scoring function name') if cluster_id: protein = cluster_frame.iloc[cluster_id - 1]['protein_structure'] frame = pd.read_csv('%s/%s_score.dat' % (file_dir, protein), sep=r'\s+', header=None, names=['name', 'score']) frame['pdbid'] = [name[:4] for name in frame['name']] frame['scoring_function'] = [fun] * len(frame) frame = frame.merge(self.index_data[['pdbid', 'act']]) frames.append(frame) else: for row in cluster_frame.itertuples(): protein = row[2] frame = pd.read_csv('%s/%s_score.dat' % (file_dir, protein), sep=r'\s+', header=None, names=['name', 'score']) x = row[1] frame['cluster_id'] = [x] * len(frame) frame['protein_structure'] = [protein] * len(frame) frame['cluster_proteins'] = [row[3]] * len(frame) frame['pdbid'] = [name[:4] for name in frame['name']] frame['scoring_function'] = [fun] * len(frame) frame = frame.merge(self.index_data[['pdbid', 'act']]) frames.append(frame) return pd.concat(frames, ignore_index=True)
class _CASFTarget: """ Used by CASF class. Load CASF target (protein and ligand) with given ID. Parameters ---------- home: string Path to CASF dataset main directory pdbid: string ID of target protein """ def __init__(self, home, pdbid): self.home = home self.pdbid = pdbid @property def protein(self): """Load target protein from mol2 file as ob.Molecule object""" filepath = '%s/coreset/%s/%s_protein.mol2' % ( self.home, self.pdbid, self.pdbid) if isfile(filepath): protein ='mol2', filepath)) return protein return None @property def ligand(self): """Load target ligand from mol2 file as ob.Molecule object""" filepath = '%s/coreset/%s/%s_ligand.mol2' % ( self.home, self.pdbid, self.pdbid) if isfile(filepath): ligand ='mol2', filepath)) return ligand return None @property def decoys_docking(self): """Load decoys used for docking from mol2 file as list of ob.Molecule objects""" filepath = '%s/decoys_docking/%s_decoys.mol2' % (self.home, self.pdbid) if isfile(filepath): decoys = list(toolkit.readfile('mol2', filepath)) return decoys return None @property def decoys_screening(self): """Load decoys used for screening from mol2 files as list of ob.Molecule objects""" dirpath = '%s/decoys_screening/%s' % (self.home, self.pdbid) if isdir(dirpath): decoys = [] for file in listdir(dirpath): decoys.append( toolkit.readfile('mol2', dirpath + '/' + file))) return decoys return None