Source code for oddt.docking.internal

""" ODDT's internal docking/scoring engines """
import numpy as np
import math
from oddt.spatial import distance, dihedral, rotate

[docs]def get_children(molecule, mother, restricted): atoms = np.zeros(len(molecule.atoms), dtype=bool) atoms[mother - 1] = True d = 1 # Pass first prev = 0 while d > 0: atoms[[n.idx - 1 for i in np.nonzero(atoms)[0] if i != restricted - 1 for n in molecule.atoms[i].neighbors if n.idx != restricted]] = True d = atoms.sum() - prev prev = atoms.sum() return atoms
[docs]def get_close_neighbors(molecule, a_idx, num_bonds=1): atoms = np.zeros(len(molecule.atoms), dtype=bool) atoms[a_idx - 1] = True for i in range(num_bonds): atoms[[n.idx - 1 for i in np.nonzero(atoms)[0] for n in molecule.atoms[i].neighbors]] = True return atoms
[docs]def change_dihedral(coords, a1, a2, a3, a4, target_angle, rot_mask): sin = math.sin(target_angle) cos = math.cos(target_angle) t = 1 - cos v0 = coords[a2] - coords[a3] v = (v0) / np.linalg.norm(v0) rot_matrix = np.array([[t * v[0] * v[0] + cos, t * v[0] * v[1] + sin * v[2], t * v[0] * v[2] - sin * v[1]], [t * v[0] * v[1] - sin * v[2], t * v[1] * v[1] + cos, t * v[1] * v[2] + sin * v[0]], [t * v[0] * v[2] + sin * v[1], t * v[1] * v[2] - sin * v[0], t * v[2] * v[2] + cos]]) centroid = coords[a3] coords = coords - centroid # Old and slower version # coords[rot_mask] = (coords[rot_mask,np.newaxis,:] * rot_matrix).sum(axis=2) coords[rot_mask] = np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", coords[rot_mask], rot_matrix) return coords + centroid
[docs]def num_rotors_pdbqt(lig): i = 0 for atom in lig.atoms: if atom.atomicnum == 1: continue num_local_rot = sum(int(b.isrotor) for b in atom.bonds) if num_local_rot == 0: pass elif num_local_rot == 1: i += 0.5 elif num_local_rot == 2: i += 1.0 elif num_local_rot >= 3: i += 0.5 return i
[docs]class vina_docking(object): def __init__(self, rec, lig=None, box=None, box_size=1., weights=None): self.box_size = box_size # TODO: Unify box if rec: self.set_protein(rec) if lig: self.set_ligand(lig) self.set_box(box) # constants self.weights = weights or np.array((-0.0356, -0.00516, 0.840, -0.0351, -0.587, 0.0585)) self.mask_inter = {} self.mask_intra = {}
[docs] def set_box(self, box): if box is not None: = np.array(box) # delete unused atoms r = self.rec_dict['coords'] # X, Y, Z within box and cutoff mask = ([0][0] - 8 <= r[:, 0]) & (r[:, 0] <=[1][0] + 8) mask *= ([0][1] - 8 <= r[:, 1]) & (r[:, 1] <=[1][1] + 8) mask *= ([0][2] - 8 <= r[:, 2]) & (r[:, 2] <=[1][2] + 8) self.rec_dict = self.rec_dict#[mask] else: = box
[docs] def set_protein(self, rec): if rec is None: self.rec_dict = None self.mask_inter = {} else: self.rec_dict = rec.atom_dict[rec.atom_dict['atomicnum'] != 1].copy() self.rec_dict = self.correct_radius(self.rec_dict) self.mask_inter = {}
[docs] def set_ligand(self, lig): lig_hvy_mask = (lig.atom_dict['atomicnum'] != 1) self.lig_dict = lig.atom_dict[lig_hvy_mask].copy() self.lig_dict = self.correct_radius(self.lig_dict) self.num_rotors = num_rotors_pdbqt(lig) self.mask_inter = {} self.mask_intra = {} # Find distant members (min 3 consecutive bonds) mask = np.vstack([~get_close_neighbors(lig, a1.idx, num_bonds=3) for a1 in lig]) mask = mask[lig_hvy_mask[np.newaxis, :] * lig_hvy_mask[:, np.newaxis]] self.lig_distant_members = mask.reshape(lig_hvy_mask.sum(), lig_hvy_mask.sum()) # prepare rotors dictionary self.rotors = [] for b in lig.bonds: if b.isrotor: a2 = int(b.atoms[0].idx) a3 = int(b.atoms[1].idx) for n in b.atoms[0].neighbors: if a3 != int(n.idx) and n.atomicnum != 1: a1 = int(n.idx) break for n in b.atoms[1].neighbors: if a2 != int(n.idx) and n.atomicnum != 1: a4 = int(n.idx) break rot_mask = get_children(lig, a3, a2)[lig_hvy_mask] # translate atom indicies to lig_dict indicies (heavy only) a1 = np.argwhere(self.lig_dict['id'] == a1).flatten()[0] a2 = np.argwhere(self.lig_dict['id'] == a2).flatten()[0] a3 = np.argwhere(self.lig_dict['id'] == a3).flatten()[0] a4 = np.argwhere(self.lig_dict['id'] == a4).flatten()[0] # rotate smaller part of the molecule if rot_mask.sum() > len(rot_mask): rot_mask = -rot_mask a4, a3, a2, a1 = a1, a2, a3, a4 self.rotors.append({'atoms': (a1, a2, a3, a4), 'mask': rot_mask}) # Setup cached ligand coords self.lig = vina_ligand(self.lig_dict['coords'].copy(), len(self.rotors), self, self.box_size)
[docs] def set_coords(self, coords): self.lig_dict['coords'] = coords
[docs] def score(self, coords=None): return (self.score_inter(coords) * self.weights[:5]).sum() / (1 + self.weights[5] * self.num_rotors)
# inter = (self.score_inter(coords) * self.weights[:5]).sum() # total = (self.score_total(coords) * self.weights[:5]).sum() # return total/(1+self.weights[5]*self.num_rotors)
[docs] def weighted_total(self, coords=None): return (self.score_total(coords) * self.weights[:5]).sum()
[docs] def score_total(self, coords=None): return self.score_inter(coords) + self.score_intra(coords)
[docs] def weighted_inter(self, coords=None): return (self.score_inter(coords) * self.weights[:5]).sum()
[docs] def weighted_intra(self, coords=None): return (self.score_intra(coords) * self.weights[:5]).sum()
[docs] def score_inter(self, coords=None): if coords is None: coords = self.lig_dict['coords'] # Inter-molecular r = distance(self.rec_dict['coords'], coords) d = (r - self.rec_dict['radius'][:, np.newaxis] - self.lig_dict['radius'][np.newaxis, :]) mask = r < 8 inter = [] # Gauss 1 inter.append(np.exp(-(d[mask] / 0.5)**2).sum()) # Gauss 2 inter.append(np.exp(-((d[mask] - 3.) / 2.)**2).sum()) # Repiulsion inter.append((d[(d < 0) & mask]**2).sum()) # Hydrophobic if 'hyd' not in self.mask_inter: self.mask_inter['hyd'] = ((self.rec_dict['ishydrophobe'] | self.rec_dict['ishalogen'])[:, np.newaxis] * (self.lig_dict['ishydrophobe'] | self.lig_dict['ishalogen'])[np.newaxis, :]) mask_hyd = mask & self.mask_inter['hyd'] d_hyd = d[mask_hyd] inter.append((d_hyd <= 0.5).sum() + (1.5 - d_hyd[(0.5 < d_hyd) & (d_hyd < 1.5)]).sum()) # H-Bonding if 'da' not in self.mask_inter: self.mask_inter['da'] = ((self.rec_dict['isdonor'] | self.rec_dict['ismetal'])[:, np.newaxis] * self.lig_dict['isacceptor'][np.newaxis, :]) if 'ad' not in self.mask_inter: self.mask_inter['ad'] = (self.rec_dict['isacceptor'][:, np.newaxis] * (self.lig_dict['isdonor'] | self.lig_dict['ismetal'])[np.newaxis, :]) d_h = d[mask & (self.mask_inter['da'] | self.mask_inter['ad'])] inter.append((d_h <= -0.7).sum() + (d_h[(-0.7 < d_h) & (d_h < 0)] / -0.7).sum()) return np.array(inter)
[docs] def score_intra(self, coords=None): if coords is None: coords = self.lig_dict['coords'] # Intra-molceular r = distance(coords, coords) d = (r - self.lig_dict['radius'][:, np.newaxis] - self.lig_dict['radius'][np.newaxis, :]) mask = self.lig_distant_members & (r < 8) intra = [] # Gauss 1 intra.append(np.exp(-(d[mask] / 0.5)**2).sum()) # Gauss 2 intra.append(np.exp(-((d[mask] - 3.) / 2.)**2).sum()) # Repiulsion intra.append((d[(d < 0) & mask]**2).sum()) # Hydrophobic if 'hyd' not in self.mask_intra: self.mask_intra['hyd'] = ((self.lig_dict['ishydrophobe'] | self.lig_dict['ishalogen'])[:, np.newaxis] * (self.lig_dict['ishydrophobe'] | self.lig_dict['ishalogen'])[np.newaxis, :]) mask_hyd = mask & self.mask_intra['hyd'] d_hyd = d[mask_hyd] intra.append((d_hyd <= 0.5).sum() + (1.5 - d_hyd[(0.5 < d_hyd) & (d_hyd < 1.5)]).sum()) # H-Bonding if 'da' not in self.mask_intra: self.mask_intra['da'] = ((self.lig_dict['isdonor'] | self.lig_dict['ismetal'])[..., np.newaxis] * self.lig_dict['isacceptor'][np.newaxis, ...]) if 'ad' not in self.mask_intra: self.mask_intra['ad'] = (self.lig_dict['isacceptor'][..., np.newaxis] * (self.lig_dict['isdonor'] | self.lig_dict['ismetal'])[np.newaxis, ...]) d_h = d[mask & (self.mask_intra['da'] | self.mask_intra['ad'])] intra.append((d_h <= -0.7).sum() + (d_h[(-0.7 < d_h) & (d_h < 0)] / -0.7).sum()) return np.array(intra)
[docs] def correct_radius(self, atom_dict): vina_r = {6: 1.9, 7: 1.8, 8: 1.7, 9: 1.5, 15: 2.1, 16: 2.0, 17: 1.8, 35: 2.0, 53: 2.2, } for a, r in vina_r.items(): atom_dict['radius'][atom_dict['atomicnum'] == a] = r # metals - 1.2 A atom_dict['radius'][atom_dict['ismetal']] = 1.2 return atom_dict
[docs]class vina_ligand(object): def __init__(self, c0, num_rotors, engine, box_size=1): self.c0 = c0.copy() self.x0 = np.zeros(6 + num_rotors) self.c1 = c0.copy() self.x1 = np.zeros_like(self.x0) self.engine = engine self.box_size = box_size
[docs] def mutate(self, x2, force=False): delta_x0 = x2 - self.x0 delta_x1 = x2 - self.x1 if not force and (delta_x1 != 0).sum() <= 3: return self._inc_mutate(delta_x1, self.c1) elif not force and (delta_x0 != 0).sum() <= 3: return self._inc_mutate(delta_x0, self.c0) else: return self._full_mutate(x2)
def _full_mutate(self, x): c = self.c0.copy() trans_vec = x[:3] rot_vec = x[3:6] rotors_vec = x[6:] c = rotate(c, *rot_vec) + trans_vec * self.box_size for i in range(len(rotors_vec)): a = self.engine.rotors[i]['atoms'] mask = self.engine.rotors[i]['mask'] c = change_dihedral(c, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], rotors_vec[i], mask) self.c1 = c.copy() self.x1 = x.copy() return c def _inc_mutate(self, x, c): c = c.copy() trans_vec = x[:3] rot_vec = x[3:6] rotors_vec = x[6:] if (rot_vec != 0).any(): c = rotate(c, *rot_vec) if (trans_vec != 0).any(): c += trans_vec * self.box_size for i in np.where(rotors_vec != 0)[0]: a = self.engine.rotors[i]['atoms'] mask = self.engine.rotors[i]['mask'] c = change_dihedral(c, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], rotors_vec[i], mask) return c