Source code for oddt.docking.AutodockVina

from tempfile import mkdtemp
from shutil import rmtree
import sys
import six
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import re
from oddt import toolkit

[docs]class autodock_vina(object): def __init__(self, protein=None, auto_ligand=None, size=(10, 10, 10), center=(0, 0, 0), exhaustiveness=8, num_modes=9, energy_range=3, seed=None, prefix_dir='/tmp', n_cpu=1, executable=None, autocleanup=True, skip_bad_mols=True): """Autodock Vina docking engine, which extends it's capabilities: automatic box (auto-centering on ligand). Parameters ---------- protein: oddt.toolkit.Molecule object (default=None) Protein object to be used while generating descriptors. auto_ligand: oddt.toolkit.Molecule object or string (default=None) Ligand use to center the docking box. Either ODDT molecule or a file (opened based on extesion and read to ODDT molecule). Box is centered on geometric center of molecule. size: tuple, shape=[3] (default=(10,10,10)) Dimentions of docking box (in Angstroms) center: tuple, shape=[3] (default=(0,0,0)) The center of docking box in cartesian space. exhaustiveness: int (default=8) Exhaustiveness parameter of Autodock Vina num_modes: int (default=9) Number of conformations generated by Autodock Vina energy_range: int (default=3) Energy range cutoff for Autodock Vina seed: int or None (default=None) Random seed for Autodock Vina prefix_dir: string (default=/tmp) Temporary directory for Autodock Vina files executable: string or None (default=None) Autodock Vina executable location in the system. It's realy necessary if autodetection fails. autocleanup: bool (default=True) Should the docking engine clean up after execution? skip_bad_mols: bool (default=True) Should molecules that crash Autodock Vina be skipped. """ self.dir = prefix_dir self._tmp_dir = None # define binding site self.size = size = center # center automaticaly on ligand if auto_ligand: if type(auto_ligand) is str: extension = auto_ligand.split('.')[-1] auto_ligand =, auto_ligand)) = tuple(np.array([atom.coords for atom in auto_ligand], dtype=np.float32).mean(axis=0)) # autodetect Vina executable if not executable: try: self.executable = (subprocess.check_output(['which', 'vina']) .decode('ascii').split('\n')[0]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise Exception('Could not find Autodock Vina binary.' 'You have to install it globaly or supply binary' 'full directory via `executable` parameter.') else: self.executable = executable # detect version self.version = (subprocess.check_output([self.executable, '--version']) .decode('ascii').split(' ')[2]) self.autocleanup = autocleanup self.cleanup_dirs = set() # share protein to class self.protein = None self.protein_file = None if protein: self.set_protein(protein) self.skip_bad_mols = skip_bad_mols # pregenerate common Vina parameters self.params = [] self.params += ['--center_x', str([0]), '--center_y', str([1]), '--center_z', str([2])] self.params += ['--size_x', str(self.size[0]), '--size_y', str(self.size[1]), '--size_z', str(self.size[2])] if n_cpu > 0: self.params += ['--cpu', str(n_cpu)] self.params += ['--exhaustiveness', str(exhaustiveness)] if seed is not None: self.params += ['--seed', str(seed)] self.params += ['--num_modes', str(num_modes)] self.params += ['--energy_range', str(energy_range)] @property def tmp_dir(self): if not self._tmp_dir: self._tmp_dir = mkdtemp(dir=self.dir, prefix='autodock_vina_') self.cleanup_dirs.add(self._tmp_dir) return self._tmp_dir @tmp_dir.setter def tmp_dir(self, value): self._tmp_dir = value
[docs] def set_protein(self, protein): """Change protein to dock to. Parameters ---------- protein: oddt.toolkit.Molecule object Protein object to be used. """ # generate new directory self._tmp_dir = None if protein: self.protein = protein if type(protein) is str: extension = protein.split('.')[-1] if extension == 'pdbqt': self.protein_file = protein self.protein =, protein)) else: self.protein =, protein)) self.protein.protein = True self.protein_file = self.tmp_dir + '/protein.pdbqt' self.protein.write('pdbqt', self.protein_file, opt={'r': None, 'c': None}, overwrite=True) else: # write protein to file self.protein_file = self.tmp_dir + '/protein.pdbqt' self.protein.write('pdbqt', self.protein_file, opt={'r': None, 'c': None}, overwrite=True)
[docs] def score(self, ligands, protein=None, single=False): """Automated scoring procedure. Parameters ---------- ligands: iterable of oddt.toolkit.Molecule objects Ligands to score protein: oddt.toolkit.Molecule object or None Protein object to be used. If None, then the default one is used, else the protein is new default. single: bool (default=False) A flag to indicate single ligand scoring - performance reasons (eg. there is no need for subdirectory for one ligand) Returns ------- ligands : array of oddt.toolkit.Molecule objects Array of ligands (scores are stored in method) """ if protein: self.set_protein(protein) if not self.protein_file: raise IOError("No receptor.") if single: ligands = [ligands] ligand_dir = mkdtemp(dir=self.tmp_dir, prefix='ligands_') output_array = [] for n, ligand in enumerate(ligands): # write ligand to file ligand_file = ligand_dir + '/' + str(n) + '_' + re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '_', ligand.title) + '.pdbqt' ligand.write('pdbqt', ligand_file, overwrite=True, opt={'b': None}) try: scores = parse_vina_scoring_output(subprocess.check_output([self.executable, '--score_only', '--receptor', self.protein_file, '--ligand', ligand_file] + self.params, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: sys.stderr.write(e.output) if self.skip_bad_mols: continue else: raise Exception('Autodock Vina failed. Command: "%s"' % ' '.join(e.cmd)) output_array.append(ligand) rmtree(ligand_dir) return output_array
[docs] def dock(self, ligands, protein=None, single=False): """Automated docking procedure. Parameters ---------- ligands: iterable of oddt.toolkit.Molecule objects Ligands to dock protein: oddt.toolkit.Molecule object or None Protein object to be used. If None, then the default one is used, else the protein is new default. single: bool (default=False) A flag to indicate single ligand docking - performance reasons (eg. there is no need for subdirectory for one ligand) Returns ------- ligands : array of oddt.toolkit.Molecule objects Array of ligands (scores are stored in method) """ if protein: self.set_protein(protein) if not self.protein_file: raise IOError("No receptor.") if single: ligands = [ligands] ligand_dir = mkdtemp(dir=self.tmp_dir, prefix='ligands_') output_array = [] for n, ligand in enumerate(ligands): # write ligand to file ligand_file = ligand_dir + '/' + str(n) + '_' + re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '_', ligand.title) + '.pdbqt' ligand_outfile = ligand_dir + '/' + str(n) + '_' + re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '_', ligand.title) + '_out.pdbqt' ligand.write('pdbqt', ligand_file, overwrite=True, opt={'b': None}) try: vina = parse_vina_docking_output(subprocess.check_output([self.executable, '--receptor', self.protein_file, '--ligand', ligand_file, '--out', ligand_outfile] + self.params, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: sys.stderr.write(e.output.decode('ascii')) if self.skip_bad_mols: continue else: raise Exception('Autodock Vina failed. Command: "%s"' % ' '.join(e.cmd)) # HACK # overcome connectivity problems in obabel source_ligand ='pdbqt', ligand_file)) del['REMARK'] for lig, scores in zip([lig for lig in toolkit.readfile('pdbqt', ligand_outfile, opt={'b': None})], vina): # HACK # copy data from source clone = source_ligand.clone clone.clone_coords(lig) output_array.append(clone) rmtree(ligand_dir) return output_array
[docs] def clean(self): for d in self.cleanup_dirs: rmtree(d)
[docs] def predict_ligand(self, ligand): """Local method to score one ligand and update it's scores. Parameters ---------- ligand: oddt.toolkit.Molecule object Ligand to be scored Returns ------- ligand: oddt.toolkit.Molecule object Scored ligand with updated scores """ return self.score([ligand])[0]
[docs] def predict_ligands(self, ligands): """Method to score ligands lazily Parameters ---------- ligands: iterable of oddt.toolkit.Molecule objects Ligands to be scored Returns ------- ligand: iterator of oddt.toolkit.Molecule objects Scored ligands with updated scores """ return self.score(ligands)
[docs]def parse_vina_scoring_output(output): """Function parsing Autodock Vina scoring output to a dictionary Parameters ---------- output : string Autodock Vina standard ouptud (STDOUT). Returns ------- out : dict dicitionary containing scores computed by Autodock Vina """ out = {} r = re.compile('^(Affinity:|\s{4})') for line in output.decode('ascii').split('\n')[13:]: # skip some output if r.match(line): m = line.replace(' ', '').split(':') if m[0] == 'Affinity': m[1] = m[1].replace('(kcal/mol)', '') out['vina_' + m[0].lower()] = float(m[1]) return out
[docs]def parse_vina_docking_output(output): """Function parsing Autodock Vina docking output to a dictionary Parameters ---------- output : string Autodock Vina standard ouptud (STDOUT). Returns ------- out : dict dicitionary containing scores computed by Autodock Vina """ out = [] r = re.compile('^\s+\d\s+') for line in output.decode('ascii').split('\n')[13:]: # skip some output if r.match(line): s = line.split() out.append({'vina_affinity': s[1], 'vina_rmsd_lb': s[2], 'vina_rmsd_ub': s[3]}) return out