Source code for oddt.virtualscreening

"""ODDT pipeline framework for virtual screening"""
import csv
from os.path import isfile
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
from itertools import chain

from oddt import toolkit

def _parallel_helper(args):
    """Private helper to workaround Python 2 pickle limitations to paralelize methods"""
    obj, methodname, arg = args
    return getattr(obj, methodname)(**arg)

[docs]class virtualscreening: def __init__(self, n_cpu=-1, verbose=False): """Virtual Screening pipeline stack Parameters ---------- n_cpu: int (default=-1) The number of parallel procesors to use verbose: bool (default=False) Verbosity flag for some methods """ self._pipe = None self.n_cpu = n_cpu self.num_input = 0 self.num_output = 0 self.verbose = verbose # setup pool self._pool = Pool(n_cpu if n_cpu > 0 else None)
[docs] def load_ligands(self, fmt, ligands_file, *args, **kwargs): """Loads file with ligands. Parameters ---------- file_type: string Type of molecular file ligands_file: string Path to a file, which is loaded to pipeline """ if fmt == 'mol2' and toolkit.backend == 'ob': if 'opt' in kwargs: kwargs['opt']['c'] = None else: kwargs['opt'] = {'c': None} new_pipe = self._ligand_pipe(toolkit.readfile(fmt, ligands_file, *args, **kwargs)) self._pipe = chain(self._pipe, new_pipe) if self._pipe else new_pipe
def _ligand_pipe(self, ligands): for mol in ligands: self.num_input += 1 yield mol
[docs] def apply_filter(self, expression, filter_type='expression', soft_fail = 0): """Filtering method, can use raw expressions (strings to be evaled in if statement, can use oddt.toolkit.Molecule methods, eg. 'mol.molwt < 500') Currently supported presets: * Lipinski Rule of 5 ('r5' or 'l5') * Fragment Rule of 3 ('r3') Parameters ---------- expression: string or list of strings Expresion(s) to be used while filtering. filter_type: 'expression' or 'preset' (default='expression') Specify filter type: 'expression' or 'preset'. Default strings are treated as expressions. soft_fail: int (default=0) The number of faulures molecule can have to pass filter, aka. soft-fails. """ if filter_type == 'expression': self._pipe = self._filter(self._pipe, expression, soft_fail = soft_fail) elif filter_type == 'preset': # define presets # TODO: move presets to another config file # Lipinski rule of 5's if expression.lower() in ['l5', 'ro5']: self._pipe = self._filter(self._pipe, ['mol.molwt < 500', 'mol.calcdesc(["HBA1"])["HBA1"] <= 10', 'mol.calcdesc(["HBD"])["HBD"] <= 5', 'mol.calcdesc(["logP"])["logP"] <= 5'], soft_fail = soft_fail) # Rule of three elif expression.lower() in ['ro3']: self._pipe = self._filter(self._pipe, ['mol.molwt < 300', 'mol.calcdesc(["HBA1"])["HBA1"] <= 3', 'mol.calcdesc(["HBD"])["HBD"] <= 3', 'mol.calcdesc(["logP"])["logP"] <= 3'], soft_fail = soft_fail) # PAINS filter elif expression.lower() in ['pains']: pains_smarts = {} with open(dirname(__file__)+'filter/pains.smarts') as pains_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(pains_file, delimiter="\t") for line in csv_reader: if len(line) > 1: pains_smarts[line[1][8:-2]] = line[0] self._pipe = self._filter_smarts(self._pipe, pains_smarts.values(), soft_fail = soft_fail)
def _filter_smarts(self, pipe, smarts, soft_fail = 0): for mol in pipe: if type(smarts) is list: compiled_smarts = [toolkit.Smarts(s) for s in smarts] fail = 0 for s in compiled_smarts: if len(s.findall(mol)) > 0: fail += 1 if fail > soft_fail: break if fail <= soft_fail: yield mol else: compiled_smarts = toolkit.Smarts(smarts) if len(compiled_smiles.findall(mol)) == 0: yield mol def _filter(self, pipe, expression, soft_fail = 0): for mol in pipe: if type(expression) is list: fail = 0 for e in expression: if not eval(e): fail += 1 if fail > soft_fail: break if fail <= soft_fail: yield mol else: if eval(expression): yield mol
[docs] def dock(self, engine, protein, *args, **kwargs): """Docking procedure. Parameters ---------- engine: string Which docking engine to use. Note ---- Additional parameters are passed directly to the engine. """ if engine.lower() == 'autodock_vina': from oddt.docking import autodock_vina engine = autodock_vina(protein, *args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('Docking engine %s was not implemented in ODDT' % engine) def _iter_conf(results): """ Generator to go through docking results, and put them to pipe """ for confs in results: for conf in confs: yield conf if self.n_cpu != 1: docking_results = self._pool.imap(_parallel_helper, ((engine, "dock", {'ligands':lig, 'single': True}) for lig in self._pipe)) else: docking_results = (engine.dock(lig, single=True) for lig in self._pipe) self._pipe = _iter_conf(docking_results)
[docs] def score(self, function, protein, *args, **kwargs): """Scoring procedure. Parameters ---------- function: string Which scoring function to use. protein: oddt.toolkit.Molecule Default protein to use as reference Note ---- Additional parameters are passed directly to the scoring function. """ if type(protein) is str: extension = protein.split('.')[-1] protein = toolkit.readfile(extension, protein).next() protein.protein = True if type(function) is str: if function.lower() == 'rfscore': from .scoring.functions.RFScore import rfscore sf = rfscore.load() sf.set_protein(protein) elif function.lower() == 'nnscore': from .scoring.functions.NNScore import nnscore sf = nnscore.load() sf.set_protein(protein) else: raise ValueError('Scoring Function %s was not implemented in ODDT' % function) else: if hasattr(function, 'set_protein') and hasattr(function, 'predict_ligands') and hasattr(function, 'predict_ligand'): sf = function sf.set_protein(protein) else: raise ValueError('Supplied object "%s" is not an ODDT scoring funtion' % function.__name__) if self.n_cpu != 1: self._pipe = self._pool.imap(_parallel_helper, ((sf, 'predict_ligand', {'ligand': lig}) for lig in self._pipe)) else: self._pipe = sf.predict_ligands(self._pipe)
[docs] def fetch(self): for n, mol in enumerate(self._pipe): self.num_output = n+1 if self.verbose and self.num_input % 100 == 0: print "\rPassed: %i (%.2f%%)\tTotal: %i" % (self.num_output, float(self.num_output)/float(self.num_input)*100, self.num_input), yield mol if self.verbose: print "" # Consume the pipe
[docs] def write(self, fmt, filename, csv_filename = None, **kwargs): """Outputs molecules to a file Parameters ---------- file_type: string Type of molecular file ligands_file: string Path to a output file csv_filename: string Optional path to a CSV file """ if fmt == 'mol2' and toolkit.backend == 'ob': if 'opt' in kwargs: kwargs['opt']['c'] = None else: kwargs['opt'] = {'c': None} output_mol_file = toolkit.Outputfile(fmt, filename, **kwargs) if csv_filename: f = open(csv_filename, 'w') csv_file = None for mol in self.fetch(): if csv_filename: data = dict( #filter some internal data blacklist_keys = ['OpenBabel Symmetry Classes', 'MOL Chiral Flag', 'PartialCharges', 'TORSDO', 'REMARK'] for b in blacklist_keys: if data.has_key(b): del data[b] if len(data) > 0: data['name'] = mol.title else: print "There is no data to write in CSV file" return False if csv_file is None: csv_file = csv.DictWriter(f, data.keys(), **kwargs) csv_file.writeheader() csv_file.writerow(data) # write ligand output_mol_file.write(mol) output_mol_file.close() if csv_filename: f.close() # if kwargs.has_key('keep_pipe') and kwargs['keep_pipe']: if isfile(filename): kwargs.pop('overwrite') # this argument is unsupported in readfile self._pipe = toolkit.readfile(fmt, filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_csv(self, csv_filename, keep_pipe = False, **kwargs): """Outputs molecules to a csv file Parameters ---------- csv_filename: string Optional path to a CSV file keep_pipe: bool (default=False) If set to True, the ligand pipe is sustained. """ f = open(csv_filename, 'w') csv_file = None for mol in self.fetch(): data = dict( #filter some internal data blacklist_keys = ['OpenBabel Symmetry Classes', 'MOL Chiral Flag', 'PartialCharges', 'TORSDO', 'REMARK'] for b in blacklist_keys: if data.has_key(b): del data[b] if len(data) > 0: data['name'] = mol.title else: print "There is no data to write in CSV file" return False if csv_file is None: csv_file = csv.DictWriter(f, data.keys(), **kwargs) csv_file.writeheader() csv_file.writerow(data) if keep_pipe: #write ligand using pickle pass f.close()