Source code for oddt.spatial

"""Spatial functions included in ODDT
Mainly used by other modules, but can be accessed directly.

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist as distance

__all__ = ['angle', 'angle_2v', 'dihedral', 'distance']

# angle functions
[docs]def angle(p1,p2,p3): """Returns an angle from a series of 3 points (point #2 is centroid).Angle is returned in degrees. Parameters ---------- p1,p2,p3 : numpy arrays, shape = [n_points, n_dimensions] Triplets of points in n-dimensional space, aligned in rows. Returns ------- angles : numpy array, shape = [n_points] Series of angles in degrees """ v1 = p1-p2 v2 = p3-p2 return angle_2v(v1,v2)
[docs]def angle_2v(v1, v2): """Returns an angle between two vecors.Angle is returned in degrees. Parameters ---------- v1,v2 : numpy arrays, shape = [n_vectors, n_dimensions] Pairs of vectors in n-dimensional space, aligned in rows. Returns ------- angles : numpy array, shape = [n_vectors] Series of angles in degrees """ dot = (v1*v2).sum(axis=-1) # better than, v2), multiple vectors can be applied norm = np.linalg.norm(v1, axis=-1)* np.linalg.norm(v2, axis=-1) return np.degrees(np.arccos(np.clip(dot/norm, -1, 1)))
[docs]def dihedral(p1,p2,p3,p4): """Returns an dihedral angle from a series of 4 points. Dihedral is returned in degrees. Function distingishes clockwise and antyclockwise dihedrals. Parameters ---------- p1,p2,p3,p4 : numpy arrays, shape = [n_points, n_dimensions] Quadruplets of points in n-dimensional space, aligned in rows. Returns ------- angles : numpy array, shape = [n_points] Series of angles in degrees """ v12 = (p1-p2)/np.linalg.norm(p1-p2) v23 = (p2-p3)/np.linalg.norm(p2-p3) v34 = (p3-p4)/np.linalg.norm(p3-p4) c1 = np.cross(v12, v23) c2 = np.cross(v23, v34) out = angle_2v(c1, c2) # check clockwise and anticlockwise n1 = c1/np.linalg.norm(c1) mask = (n1*v34).sum(axis=-1) > 0 if len(mask.shape) == 0: if mask: out = -out else: out[mask] = -out[mask] return out
def rmsd(ref, mol, ignore_h = True, canonize = False, normalize = False): """Computes root mean square deviation (RMSD) between two molecules (including or excluding Hydrogens). No symmetry checks are performed. Parameters ---------- ref : oddt.toolkit.Molecule object Reference molecule for the RMSD calculation mol : oddt.toolkit.Molecule object Query molecule for RMSD calculation ignore_h : bool (default=False) Flag indicating to ignore Hydrogen atoms while performing RMSD calculation canonize : bool (default=False) Match heavy atoms using OB canonical ordering normalize : bool (default=False) Normalize RMSD by square root of rot. bonds Returns ------- rmsd : float RMSD between two molecules """ if ignore_h: if canonize: ref_hvy = ref.coords[ref.canonic_order] mol_hvy = mol.coords[mol.canonic_order] else: hvy_map = np.array([atom.idx-1 for atom in mol if atom.atomicnum != 1]) mol_hvy = mol.coords[hvy_map] ref_hvy = ref.coords[hvy_map] if mol_hvy.shape == ref_hvy.shape: rmsd = np.sqrt(((mol_hvy - ref_hvy)**2).sum(axis=-1).mean()) if normalize: rmsd /= np.sqrt(mol.num_rotors) return rmsd else: if mol.coords.shape == ref.coords.shape: rmsd = np.sqrt(((mol.coords - ref.coords)**2).sum(axis=-1).mean()) if normalize: rmsd /= np.sqrt(mol.num_rotors) return rmsd # at this point raise an exception raise Exception('Unequal number of atoms in molecules') def distance_complex(x, y): """ Computes distance between points, similar to distance(cdist), with major difference - allows higher dimmentions of input (cdist supports 2). But it's 2-6 times slower, so use distance unless you have to nest it wit a for loop.""" return np.sqrt(((x[...,np.newaxis,:]-y)**2).sum(axis=-1))